
 photo Rabby_zps71334098.jpg

Diary About Links

My name is Rabiatul Binti Samsudin.Gonna 16 y/o.Heart taken by Amirul Fahmi :D .Copyshit, Annon not allowed.Thanks reading :D



The creator of this template is Ainabillah Shafie.
The template reedit by Mrs Yaya. The photogenic pictures taken at WeHeartit. Thanks to Rinaa for the cursor freebies. I am proud to use Colour Choose to

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Famy!!!! aku rindu kau dohhh~ ape asaaaalll lah fon kau kene gigit dengan anjing tuh???? tu laaaa dah bawak kantoi jageee.. Cuti seminggu lame macam niee.. nie FIRST TIME fon aku sunyi langsong tak nak cakap ngan aku okk.. issshh,, sangat susah nak contact kau tau takkkk.. 

Tau gunung BERAPI takk?? kalau lah aku punye hati ni gunung tu kann.. aku rase dah 100 kali meletos agaknyeee.. membuak-buak rase rindu tahap harimau kat kau tauuuuukkk. Tapi sayang nyee,, hanye FACEBOOK yang dapat membantu aku ciput ciput nak lepas rindu kat kauuu.. 

hahaahhohohhuhhiih! TERHARU la sayanggggggg~ kay thanks a lot lot lotttttttt!!!!! (puyusss)

k.lah ,, ngorok dah panggil aku! bubye~ MUAH <3